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Photoquai Festival

photoquai Festival Paris
Date: September 22nd to November 22nd

Location: Quai Branly & Museum Branly

Click here for a list of other photography exhibitions in Paris

Click here for a list of other Festivals in Paris


From September 22nd to November 22nd, 2009, the musée du quai Branly presents the second PHOTOQUAI, a biennial event dedicated to non-Western photography.

This exhibition displays the works of 50 contemporary photographers from around the world displayed for free along the banks of the quai Branly opposite the museum.  

The walk then continues in the musée du quai Branly with a presentation of 165 years of Iranian photography, set in the heart of the main collections area; and in the Pavillon des Sessions, where Portraits croisés, photographs from the musée du quai Branly interact, contrast and resonate with the works exhibited.

Venue Information

37 Quai Branly 75007 Paris

Metro - Alma Marceau, Iena
Bus -42 arrêt Tour Eiffel ; 63, 80, 92 : arrêt Bosquet-Rapp ; 72 arrêt musée d’art moderne – Palais de Tokyo
Parking - paid parking available at 25 quai Branly

Open  - these are the museum opening hours - I could not find exact times for the exterior exhibition but I will be going next week so I'll update the info then.

Tues, Weds & Thurs 11:00am -5:00pm, Thurs, Fri & Sat 11:00an - 9:00pm

Admission Fee
Free for exhibition along Quai Branley but there is a charge if you enter the musem

01 56 61 70 00
