Bringing your dog from USA to France

Here is a list from the French Embassy in the US detailing the requirements:
  1. each family is limited to 5 animals (children are not counted as animals!).
  2. every animal must be identified by a microchip (standard ISO 11784 or annex A ISO standard 11785) or a tatoo. If the microchip's standard is different, you must bring your own scanner in order to read the microchip. In the United States, you may acquire the microchip standard ISO 11784 on the web at It should be implanted only by a veterinarian.
  3. every animal must have a valid rabies vaccination, even if less than 3 months old. If it is the first rabies vaccination for the pet, you must wait 21 days between the last shot of the vaccination protocol and departure.
  4. the health certificate will be valid for 4 months after signature by an official veterinarian (certified by the USDA) or endorsement by the competent authority (USDA). The list of USDA Area Offices of Veterinary Services may be consulted at the following URL address
  5. the blood test is not required for animals coming from Canada and the United States.

You also need to check with the airlines to see if they require any additional paperwork. We flew to Paris with "British Airways" which was expensive as the dog had to travel as cargo. If you fly Air France you can take the dog as excess baggage, and it's much cheaper and easier.

We paid almost $1000 for the dog to fly BA and the charge was only $150 with Air France.

Click here for a list of dog friendly parks, public transport options and general information about life in Paris with a dog.

Eiffel Tower photo by Simon Howden
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